Glen Mackie
Born: Thursday Island Torres Strait
Lives: Cairns, Qld
Tribe: Iama (Yam)
Totems: Hammerhead Shark (Kurrs); Crocodile (Koedal)
Glen has a distinguishable bold design style featuring wonderfully threadlike lines. He explains that he has been elected as Yam Island’s ‘official’ storyteller. Glen’s mission is to keep alive the sacred stories of the four brothers who traveled from the north before memory and settled at Zenadh Kes, or what most Australians know as the Central and Eastern Torres Strait Islands. In Glen’s works, art and law are combined heroically – the figures are woven into rhythmic patterns of design. Paintings, prints, and sculpted objects by Glen are held in numerous private and public collections nationally.
Glen is from the Iama (Yam) tribe and his totems are the hammerhead shark and the crocodile. His bold minar, or infill-design style, incorporates family totemic designs and his own invented geometric repeating water pattern. He retells the myths and legendary stories he inherited from older family members. As Yam Island’s only practising artist he feels he has a responsibility to keep alive the sacred stories of the four brothers who travelled from the north before memory and settled Zenadh Kes, more commonly known as the Central and eastern Torres Strait Islands. Glen has been a finalist in many major Australian art and print awards and he has exhibited widely. His work is held in national and international collections.

Indigenous copyright registered

Member of indigenous art code Australia

5% of all retail will sales go directly to the artists
More about Glenn
- 1995, 98-99 Diploma of Visual Arts, Cairns TAFE
- 2015-16 Study towards BA in Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art, Griffith University, Brisbane, Qld
- 2017 Glen Mackie (Kei Kalak) – Recent Works, Canopy Art Centre, Cairns
- 2015 The Coming of Sigai and other Stories, Fireworks Gallery, Brisbane
- 2014 Rear Visions: Stories from Home: The Prints of Glen Mackie, Canopy Art Centre, Cairns (Cairns Indig. Art Fair)
- 2011 I am Kulkalgal, UMI Arts, Cairns
- 2011 Ngai Lamalaig – Me a Yam Islander, Fireworks Gallery, Brisbane
- 2021 Explore Sydney Contemporary – Paper (online), Sydney Contemporary Art Fair
- 2021 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (online), Cairns
- 2021 WARWAR: The Art of Torres Strait, Newcastle Art Gallery, NSW
- 2021 Reimagining: Between Tradition and Innovation, Cairns Art Gallery, Qld
- 2021 Cairns Art Society 73rd Annual Exhibition, Cairns Art Gallery, Qld
- 2020 Critical Mass: The Art of Planetary Health, Blue Mountains Cultural Centre Gallery, Katoomba, NSW
- 2020 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, online and exhibition at Tanks Arts Centre
- 2020 From the Sea, Fireworks Gallery, Brisbane Qld
- 2020 Between the Moon and the Stars, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin
- 2020 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (online), Cairns, Qld
- 2020 Recent Prints, joint exhibition with Daniel O’Shane, Caffiend Cafe, Cairns
- 2020 Shiver, Onespace Gallery, Brisbane
- 2019 Works by FNQ Indigenous Artists, Pullman Hotel, Cairns
- 2019 Sydney Contemporary – Paper, Sydney Contemporary Art Fair, Carriageworks, Redfern, NSW
- 2019 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF), Cairns
- 2018 Old Stories and New Narratives: Recent Indigenous Prints, for the 2nd Australian Print Triennial, Mildura, Vic.
- 2018 Printing as Process, Incinerator Gallery, Moonee Ponds, Vic.
- 2018 Sydney Contemporary – Paper, Sydney Contemporary Art Fair, Carriageworks, Redfern, NSW
- 2018 Inkfest, Inkmasters Biennial Exhibition, Tanks Arts Centre, Cairns, Qld
- 2018 Glen Mackie and Daniel O’Shane: A celebration of the work of two artists from the Torres Strait Islands, Art Gallery of New South Wales
- 2018 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF), Cairns
- 2017 ARTNOW FNQ, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, Qld
- 2017 Letters from Australia, (joint exhibition with Theo Tremblay), National Library of Latvia, Riga
- 2017 Sydney Contemporary – Paper, Sydney Contemporary Art Fair, Carriageworks, Redfern, NSW
- 2017 25th Mabo High Court Win Celebration, Gallery Gilimbaa, Brisbane
- 2017 Partners in Print, with Sydney Printmakers, Janet Clayton Gallery, Sydney, NSW, and KickArts Contemporary Arts, Cairns, Qld
- 2017 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF), Cairns
- 2016 Gondwana’s Garden, Tanks Art Centre, Cairns, Qld
- 2016 Thancoupie Bursary Fund, Fundraising exhibition, Canopy Art Centre, Cairns
- 2016 Here and Now, Canopy Art Centre, Cairns, Qld
- 2016 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF), Cairns
- 2016 Tracing the Line, Blue Mountains City Art Gallery, Katoomba, NSW (in conjunction with Print Council of Australia)
- 2016 Sydney Contemporary – Paper, Sydney Contemporary Art Fair, Carriageworks, Redfern, NSW
- 2016 ARTNOW FNQ, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns
- 2016 Pathways, touring exhibition curated by UMI Arts, Cairns (touring exhibition)
- 2015 32nd Telstra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Museum & Art Gallery of the NT, Darwin (Finalist)
- 2015 Silk Cut Print Award, Melbourne, Vic (Finalist)
- 2015 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, Cairns, Qld
- 2015 Mapping Memories, Tracking Visions, Bungendore Woodworks Gallery, NSW
- 2015 Encounter/Northern Encounter, Impress Gallery, Brisbane
- 2015 Encounter/Northern Encounter, Canopy Art Centre, Cairns
- 2014 Indigenous Artists from Australia, Jeffrey Moose Gallery, Seattle, USA
- 2014 International Print Exhibition (Australia & Japan), Kyoto, Japan
- 2014 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF), Cairns
- 2013 30th Telstra Indigenous Art Award, Museum of Arts & Sciences, Darwin,, NT (Finalist – Works on Paper)
- 2013 Inside/Out: Mapping Spiritual Journeys, Circa 1907 gallery, Cairns, Qld
- 2013 Prints from the Torres Straits, Surry Hills Library, Sydney
- 2013 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair exhibition, Canopy Art Centre, Cairns, Qld
- 2012 Big Wet, Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne
- 2012 Sense of Place, Inkmasters Exhibition, Canopy Artspace, Cairns
- 2012 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF), Cairns
- 2011 Land, Sea and Sky: Contemporary Art of the Torres Strait Islands, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
- 2011 Inkmasters Inaugural Members Exhibition, Tanks Arts Centre, Cairns, Qld
- 2011 Pathways, UMI Arts, Cairns
- 2011 Storyboat, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns
- 2011 CIAF Exhibition, Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns
- 2010 Zenadh Kes Printmakers, Jeffrey Moose Gallery, Seattle USA
- 2010 One Family Our Way of Life, Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne
- 2010 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF), Cairns
- 1999 Exhibition with Nino Sabatino , Banggu Minjaany Art Gallery, Cairns TAFE
- 2018 Munro Martin Parklands pump house building, part of Sea Walls Australia project, Cairns, Qld
- 2013 Snake Bay School, Melville Island (NT), mural
- 2012 Choice Australia, wall and floor murals for The Culture Place Gallery/Restaurant, Cairns
- 2011 Print Council of Australia print commission, two plate vinylcut Augud
- 2010 Dept of Immigration and Citizenship, Reconciliation Action Plan 2013-16 document, cover design
- 2010 Window decal project, Woodridge Medical Centre, Brisbane
- 2008 TNQ TAFE mural commission, Pre-school Child Care Centre
- 2004 Yam Island Council mural, community centre – ‘Kabusu’
- 2003 Queensland Health Commission mural for Health Clinic
- 2003 Yam Island Council Community Store mural
- 2003 Yam Island Airport, Yam Island Welcoming sign
- 2018 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, community workshop with Inkmasters Cairns Inc
- 2017 Cairns Regional Gallery, Xmas Holiday Workshop in Printmaking
- 2016 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, vinylcut carving/printing workshop
- 2015 Print workshops, Thaiday memorial family festival, Two Brothers sports facility
- 2014 Woodford Festival of the Arts, Brisbane; talks, demonstrations in woodcutting,
- 2013 Print Workshops, NAIDOC Week, Australian Museum & Surry Hills Library, Sydney
- 2013 Resident Artist (12 months), painting and printmaking demonstrator, The Cultural Place, Cairns
- 2012 Big Wet Monoprint Workshop with Theo Tremblay, Editions Tremblay, Cairns
- 2012 Resident Artist, Woodford Folk Festival, Qld
- 2016 Finalist, Telstra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Darwin
- 2016 Finalist, National Works on Paper Award, Victoria
- 2015 Finalist, Telstra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Darwin
- 2015 Finalist, Silk Cut Print Award, Melbourne
- 2014 Finalist, Telstra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Darwin
- 2014 2nd Prize Winner, Inkfest: Festival of Printmaking, for handpainted vinylcut, The Coming of Sigai; Tanks Art Centre, Cairns
- 2013 Arts Queensland Bursary to study printmaking with master printmaker Theo Tremblay
- 2016 Creative Types, Cairns Eye, article by Roz Pulley, 16/1/16
- 2015 Darwin – The Bigger Picture, review by Jeremy Eccles, Aboriginal Art Directory, 14/8/15
- 2015 Dilemma of difference in indigenous art award, article by Nicolas Rothwell, The Australian, 13/8/13
- 2012 SBS NAIDOC Week short films featuring Tagai – Star Constellation print
- 2011 The past returns to the surface, article by Nicolas Rothwell, The Australian, p.17 Arts, 17/11/11
- 2011 Land, Sea & Sky – In and out of the Torres Strait, article by Jeremy Eccles, Aboriginal Art Directory, 6/7/11
- 2006 Gatherings II, Survey Publications, Arts Queensland, Keeaira Press, Brisbane
- 2002 Gatherings I, Survey Publications, Arts Queensland, Keeaira Press, Brisbane
- Artbank
- Art Gallery of NSW
- Art Gallery of South Australia
- Art Vault, Mildura, Vic
- Australian Museum
- Ballarat Regional Gallery
- Cairns Regional Gallery
- Canson Australia
- City of Fremantle, WA
- Art Gallery of NSW
- Kluge Ruhe Collection, University of Virginia, USA
- Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory
- National Gallery of Australia
- National Gallery of Victoria
- National Museum of Australia
- Newcastle Art Gallery
- Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra
- Print Council of Australia
- Queensland Art Gallery
- St Ursula’s College, Toowoomba, Qld
- University of Queensland Art Museum
- University of Wollongong, NSW
- + national and international private collections

Get in touch with Glen
If you wish to commission private work, please contact Glen directly – glenmack75@hotmail.com